
A Message from Lesia Cartelli, Founder & CEO of Angel Faces Inc:
Often In the middle of each retreat, I find myself pondering, “Are we really getting through? Are they absorbing all the healing techniques and information?” Afterall, we have over 25+ girls who are highly traumatized (and that’s only level one) who have been to hell and back.
Sure, my team and I witness powerful 'Ah ha' moments throughout the week. That’s what keeps us going!
But true healing takes time to percolate. Once home, I’m gifted with cards, letters and emails of gratitude.
Wanted to share a few. . .
"The transformation brought tears to my eyes and still does today."
– Maggie Older Sister of 14 y/o Retreat Attendee, Mary Katherine
Dear Lesia:
Our family was blessed with my little sister, Mary Katherine, 14 years ago. Mary Katherine was born with a very rare syndrome in which she has suffered from seizures, brittle bones, kidney disease, and extensive birthmarks. During her short life, she has had dozens of surgeries and spent many painful months in recovery. Because of this, she has become very dependent on those around her, most specifically my mother.
Mary Katherine is also entering one of the most challenging times of a girl's life: the teenage years. While she has friends and family who see beyond her birthmarks and disabilities, she is also very aware of the stares. All of these factors have led to an understandable low self esteem.
Through a wonderful sequence of events, Mary Katherine was invited to participate in the Angel Faces retreat this past summer. I live out of state and did not see her until September, months after the retreat. When I did come home for a visit, I was blown away. Here was my little sister, whom I was used to picking up behind, helping her dress, cleaning up her room and getting ready for the day. She was holding her head high! She was independent! She was strong! The transformation brought tears to my eyes and still does to this day.
Angel Faces and Lesia Cartelli have given Mary Katherine something my family never could. They gave her self-confidence and hope for a future. She knows now that she can do anything, and she does. Thank you so much Lesia and Angel Faces. You are all angels to me.
I will be forever grateful for all you have done for Mary Katherine. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really hope you guys get the grant so you can help others the way you have helped us!